Introduction to AML/CFT
Most financial institutions are nowadays required by their regulatory authorities to provide to all new employees mandatory anti-money laundering training as part of their new-hire orientation program. Using the highly regarded i-KYC Introduction to AML/CFT e-learning can help organisations to effectively train and test new staff about correct understanding of the relevant AML/CFT risk issues.
Course Objectives
At the end of the training, participants will be able to:
- Discuss the impact of money-laundering and terrorist financing
- Explain the three stages of Money Laundering
- Understand what the principal uses and sources are of money by terrorist organisations
- Discuss the need of AML/CFT legislation
- Explain the role of regulatory authorities
- Understand the place and role of the compliance department in the organisation
Overview Course Content
The course duration is 45 -60 mins and consists of skills training and testing. Throughout there will be a particular focus on enhancing anti-bribery and corruption awareness.
Module 1: Introduction to Money Laundering
- What is money laundering
- Why do criminals launder money
- What are the consequences of money laundering
- What are the 3 stages of money laundering
- Knowledge test
Module 2: Introduction to Terrorism Financing
- What is terrorism and terrorism financing
- What are the principle uses and sources of money by terrorist organisations
- What are the principal methods used by terrorist organisations to transfer money
- Knowledge test
Module 3: AML/CFT Law and Regulation
- Why do we need AML/CFT legislation
- Overview of local and international AML/CFT legislation
- The role of local supervisory authorities
- What are the consequences of not being compliant
- The role and place of the compliance department in the organisation
- Knowledge test
LMS platform & services
i-KYC’s e-learning courses are produced applying the industry standard SCORM 1.2 programming protocol. You may choose to have them delivered to you electronically, ready for uploading to your hosting platform. In case you need a hosting platform or wish to reduce the burden on your HR and IT organisations, i-KYC can support you in the roll-out with our low cost, state-of-the-art Learning Management Solution.
i-KYC offers a comprehensive cloud-based Learning Management Platform with the following essential features:
- Exclusive LMS Platform with own ‘Look & Feel’
- LMS administration and support services
- Hosting of multiple e-learnings (including 3rd party providers)
- Administer other training methods (e.g. classroom training, assessments)
- Scalability, flexibility and operational efficiency
- Monitoring and analytical capabilities
Benefits of the LMS Services
Rapid and no-hassle deployment of your complete learning programme using a dedicated single point of contact.
Create your exclusive Learning Management Platform with company logos and own Look & Feel.
Combine multiple courses in logical groupings to create personalized learning paths for your valued learners to engage.
Add content from various learning service providers (provided courses are SCORM compatible).
Review performance and gain insight into training impact with reports and dashboards, or create custom reports delivered via email.
Instant evidence to internal and external stakeholders of compliance with training-related regulatory obligations.
Special: Audit reporting package for
Management, Local Regulators and Correspondent Bank relations:
- Evidence of course completion of users including Knowledge Check scores & time stamp
- Document with e-learning content (slides) plus list of questions of the knowledge checks
i-KYC’s LMS administration and support services include:
- administration of unique user accounts
- grouping by Teams/Departments;
uploading and installation of e-learning programmes - roll out of e-learning courses to the target group (invitation to attend)
- administration of classroom trainings
- data collection and progress monitoring
- due date follow-up
- periodic management reporting